Obsession Colour Gradient

The complete works are to be assigned to color field painting. The theme, which runs through all works from the beginning, is color. The central concern is to let it become present as an own pictorial reality. Although form has a certain significance for Mara Ruehl, color is the absolute priority. Color is a living and changeable substance, which comes from the depth of the picture like a universal force. The representation of color, freed of meaning, is sufficient in itself and its magic only really appears when the spirit of the representational has also evaporated.

The first abstract works were created between 1996 and 1999 in Argentina. The sea of colors of the folkloristic robes, the morning and evening moods in the pampas, where the sky tones presented themselves in an unimaginable range of light colors, were perhaps the most lasting events for Mara Ruehls work today.

Inspired by the bright colors of nature and the translucent and clear light colors of the sky, which merge softly and gracefully into each other without creating a mixed color, the color gradient became Ruehls obsession. To get closer to the colors of light, to paint ever softer, more flowing and tender, but equally in powerful bright colors, is Mara Ruehls unique selling point and recognition feature and at the same time her intention.


If you want to view works in person, please contact Mr. Konstantinos Lianos.

Phone: +49 151 59 07 10 14
Mail: lianos(at)vafw.de